Friday 8 August 2008

Obama campaign blasts 'offensive' rapper

Barack Obama's presidential campaign has said that a fresh rhyme by supporter
and rapper Ludacris is "outrageously offensive" to Senator Hillary
Clinton, Republican Senator John McCain and President George Bush.

The song brags about an Obama presidency being fate. It uses an expletive
to discover Clinton, calls Bush "mentally handicapped" and says
McCain doesn't belong in "whatsoever chair unless he's paralysed."

The lyrics also don't spare the Reverand Jesse Jackson, world Health Organization recently
apologised for making crude comments about Obama. "If you said it then
you meant it," intones the rapper.

Obama's campaign damned "Politics As Usual," which is on the "Gangsta
Grillz: The Preview" mixtape with Atlanta spinner DJ Drama.

"As Barack Obama has aforesaid many, many times in the past tense, rap lyrics today
too often perpetuate misogyny, philistinism, and degrading images that he
doesn't want his daughters or any children exposed to," campaign
spokesman Bill Burton said in an email statement.

"This song is not only outrageously offensive to Senator Clinton,
Reverand Jackson, Senator McCain and President Bush, it is offensive to all
of us world Health Organization are trying to kindle our children with the values we hold dear.
While Ludacris is a talented individual he should be ashamed of these lyrics."

Ludacris' publicist and manager did not immediately return calls yesterday for

In a recent interview with Rolling Stone magazine, Obama included Ludacris
when he talked around hip-hop moguls and rappers he thought were "great
talents and great businessmen." Obama met privately with Ludacris,
talk with him in Chicago about young people in 2006 in front he proclaimed
his go for president.

In the two-minute cut, the song makes a pitch for Obama to pick Ludacris as
his vice president, rhyming "Hillary hated on you, so that (expletive)
is irrelevant."

In the song, Ludacris also encourages black citizenry to suffrage on Election Day.

"The world is ready for change 'cause Obama is here," he says

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